full and smooth regulation of the water stream
sprinkling starts after pulling the trigger which can be also used to regulate the flow strength and to lock the fixed stream
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a high-class, ergonomic multifunctional hand sprinkler with a non-gradual water flow regulationlegible markings ease the choice of a suitable type of water stream which is available as strong jet, delicate mist, and heavy or light showerintuitive...
ergonomic hand sprinkler made of high quality plastics non-gradual regulation of the water stream from strong jet to delicate mistthe SAFETOUCH™ system provides a reliable grip and comfort of use, as well as protects the product against accidental...
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a high-class, ergonomic 4-functional lance with head inclination adjustable in the range of 0-180° a hole for hanging enables easy storage a non-gradual change of functions legible markings ease the choice of suitable type of water stream...
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full and smooth regulation of water streamsprinkling starts after pulling a trigger which can be also used to regulate flow strength and to lock the stream
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a high-class, ergonomic sprinkler with a non-gradual water flow regulation legible markings ease the choice of a suitable type of water stream which is available as strong jet, delicate mist, and heavy or light shower the SAFETOUCH™...
handy sprinkler with non-gradual water stream regulation from strong jet to delicate mistABS material
made of metal and plastics non-gradual regulation of the water stream and its strength from strong jet to delicate mistconvenient trigger lock
full and smooth regulation of the water streamsprinkling starts after pulling the trigger which can be also used to regulate the flow strength and to lock the fixed stream
handy sprinkler with non-gradual water flow regulation from strong jet to delicate mist
ergonomic hand sprinkler made of high quality plasticsnon-gradual regulation of the water stream from strong jet to delicate mistthe SAFETOUCH™ system provides a reliable grip and comfort of use, as well as protects the product against accidental...
smooth regulation of the water flow with a possibility of setting a desired level legible markings ease the choice of a suitable type of the water stream which is available as strong jet, delicate mist, and heavy or light shower the SAFETOUCH™...
full and smooth regulation of the water streamsprinkling starts after pulling the trigger which can be also used to regulate the flow strength and to lock the fixed stream
Multifunctional hand sprinkler ENERGO™a high-class, ergonomic multifunctional hand sprinkler with a non-gradual water flow regulationlegible markings ease the choice of a suitable type of water stream which is available as strong jet, delicate...