Vaxo XXL roof membrane
Vaxo XXL membrane is a three-layer roofing membrane made of polypropylene (PP) fabric, which is characterized by high UV resistance (up to seven weeks) and long life. So isn't the Vaxo XXL roof membrane just what you need for successful home construction?
- Weight: 160 g/m2.
- Width: 1.5 m
- Thickness: 0.65 mm
- Reaction to fire: class F
- Resistance to water penetration: W1
- Water vapor permeability: Sd = 0.03 m
- UV resistance: 7 weeks
- Can be used on fully boarded roofs: Yes
This roofing membrane is rigid and open diffusion. It has a three-layer structure and is the result of advanced manufacturing. The polypropylene fabric provides excellent UV protection. Vaxo XXL provides dry insulation to keep moisture out. In addition, it offers high vapor permeability and energy savings. It is particularly suitable for fully boarded roofs.
Why choose Vaxo XXL roof membrane?
This roof membrane is one of the high-performance diffusion-open roof membranes. It is made of a modern and frequently used material. Therefore, our online store offers Vaxo XL, a strong and waterproof roof membrane suitable for boarding. It is manufactured using adhesive technology and, unlike hot melt technology, the tufted fabric coating does not interfere with the function film. All our products come from a certified European manufacturer.
Advantages of Vaxo XXL roof membrane:
Vaxo XXL roof membrane can be laid directly on the boarding, where it protects the roof and ground from wind and moisture. This roof membrane regulates the flow of water vapor and offers high water resistance, tensile strength and durability:
- easy and fast roofing
- stable waterproofing over a long period of time.
These roofing membranes provide the perfect combination of durability and vapor permeability. Try our products and ensure a roof that can withstand all the whims of the weather!
Roof membrane material
The Vaxo XXL roof membrane is made of a high-tech polypropylene fabric that guarantees excellent UV resistance. The membrane is also suitable for high temperatures.
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