Antenna grommet - safe passage of antenna masts through the roof The antenna grommet is an indispensable component for safe and tight passage of antenna masts or pipes through the roof. This product features graded, durable rubber that easily adapts to different diameters (Ø19/25/38/50/60/70/90 mm). This ensures absolute tightness and protection against the ingress of water and other contaminants. For full installation, it is necessary to purchase clamps, which are not included, and select them according to the required diameter. Choose our antenna grommet for a reliable and durable solution for roof penetrations.
Visit our online store and get all the necessary components for a proper installation today!
The antenna grommet is used for tight passage of antenna masts or pipes through the roof. Graduated, heavy-duty rubber allows adjustment to Ø19/25/38/50/60/70/90 mm diameters and ensures complete sealing with clamps not included. Clamps can be purchased depending on the diameter required.
Standing seam sheeting, together with our roof accessories, allows you to achieve a modern and distinctive look. As an added benefit, the high-quality 15 mm butyl adhesive-based sealant enriches the roof penetration and provides excellent sealing and durability for many years.
Where bituminous roofing is an existing covering, use a flat roof chimney, supplemented with a top-quality butyl adhesive-based sealant with a diameter of 15 mm, which provides excellent sealing and durability for many years. The stylish appearance of the chimney will satisfy even the most demanding aesthetes.
We offer a wide range of more than 49 different types of roof bases that perfectly match the different types of roofing available on the market. Every customer can find a product that meets their needs, regardless of the type of roof or the aesthetics of the building. Our wide range of products guarantees high quality and a wide selection, which allows us to adapt to different construction and design requirements. We make sure that our products meet not only functional requirements, but also aesthetics, so that each project stands out and meets the highest standards.
P48 | A | B | C | D |
mm | 300 | 340 | 240 | 310 |
RAL 8019
RAL 8017
RAL 7024
RAL 3009
RAL 6020
RAL 9005
RAL 8004
RAL 7021
RAL 7016
RAL 7046
The purpose of the condensate collector DN 125 is to capture and remove residual condensate, which in some cases may appear in the pipe. It allows the condensate to be discharged by means of a profiled tank in the condensate collector. The lower...
RUROFLEX PLUS 125 - 125/110/100 mm Elastická připojovací trubka je určena pro spojování nabízených větracích komínků s větracím nebo kanalizačním potrubím.
Flexible connection pipe RUROFLEX 125 - 125/110/100 is designed to connect the offered ventilation chimneys with ventilation or sewage pipes. Colors: black. Dimensions: DN 125mm - 125/110/100 mm, H 500mm.
Sada utěsnění je 100% nepropustná a vyniká svou snadnou montáží. Tato těsnící sada se instaluje v místě průchodu větracího potrubí skrze střešní parotěsnou fólii. Její funkcí je zabraňování zatékání kondenzátu po fólii skrze otvor např. na...