WiroVent®PLUS ventilation chimney is designed for reliable and popular gravity ventilation with minimal heat loss. The insulated version prevents condensation in the ventilation duct, which is most often observed in winter. Package contents. Product index: K95
WiroVent®PLUS system ventilation chimney is designed for reliable and most popular gravity ventilation with minimal heat loss. The version with insulation prevents condensation in the ventilation duct, which is most often observed in winter. Package contents. Product Index: K95
Trapezoidal sheet is used in a wide range of applications - from large warehouses and factories to single-family homes and outbuildings. Based on the most popular models, we have prepared 3 types of roof bases that perfectly integrate with the roof cladding. An additional advantage is the use of the highest quality gaskets based on butyl glue with a diameter of 15 mm, which guarantee excellent tightness and long life. For the correct selection of the base for trapezoidal sheet metal roofing, it is necessary to make technical drawings.
The WiroVent®PLUS system is well known to anyone interested in ventilation. It is safe to say that it is a classic among ventilation chimneys. No wonder, because WiroVent®PLUS was a revolutionary system that stood out from the competition. The popularity of the PLUS system is evidenced by the fact that the fourth generation of this model is now available on the market.
Of course, the termination of the ventilation duct is not just a chimney - the key element is also a roof base that is perfectly matched to the roof. In our offer you will find as many as 49 different bases to choose from.
Ventilation chimneys are available in 125 mm diameter
- Ventilation chimneys with condensate drainage
- Insulated ventilation chimneys
- Roof vents with condensate drainage
24 condensate drainage channels at the top of the chimney
WiroVent Plus is an improved version of the traditional WiroVent model, enhanced with condensate drainage and providing vertical passage through the roofing. The system's standard DN110 diameter has been replaced with a DN125 diameter, allowing for more efficient airflow and thus increasing ventilation efficiency. The chimney design is equipped with 4 rings for optimal air circulation. The system is available in three versions of equipment: with condensate drain age - allowing excess moisture to be discharged outside the chimney, insulated - preventing condensation in the ventilation duct, and with a mechanical fan designed for forced air extraction in rooms generating large amounts of moisture and dirt, with the possibility of smooth adjustment by means of a speed controller. The improved form of the system provides an aesthetically pleasing and functional finish to the roof surface, adapted to the most popular models of roof tiles, shingles, asphalt and flat metal roofing.
RAL 7046
RAL 8017
RAL 7024
RAL 3009
RAL 6020
RAL 9005
RAL 8004
RAL 7021
Unique design
Built-in spirit level
24 channels for condensate drainage!
Ring-shaped design ensures free air flow!
Adjustable tilt of 5°-45°!
Built-in EBM fan - (roof fans)
No tapering! U4306 for vertical connection!
RUROFLEX PLUS flexible pipe, U87R (for crank)!
Black flexible tubing RUROFLEX U4506 (for straps)!
High-quality insulation with molded polystyrene elements.
Condensate outlet located at the top of the fireplace!
Eccentric pipe to ensure proper air flow through the fireplace!
Ø15 butyl sealer, protected by siliconized film!
Scratch-resistant structure
Data sheet
The purpose of the condensate collector DN 125 is to capture and remove residual condensate, which in some cases may appear in the pipe. It allows the condensate to be discharged by means of a profiled tank in the condensate collector. The lower...
RUROFLEX PLUS 125 - 125/110/100 mm Elastická připojovací trubka je určena pro spojování nabízených větracích komínků s větracím nebo kanalizačním potrubím.
Flexible connection pipe RUROFLEX 125 - 125/110/100 is designed to connect the offered ventilation chimneys with ventilation or sewage pipes. Colors: black. Dimensions: DN 125mm - 125/110/100 mm, H 500mm.
Sada utěsnění je 100% nepropustná a vyniká svou snadnou montáží. Tato těsnící sada se instaluje v místě průchodu větracího potrubí skrze střešní parotěsnou fólii. Její funkcí je zabraňování zatékání kondenzátu po fólii skrze otvor např. na...
Redukce DN 125mm na DN 110mm umožňuje připojení potrubí DN 110 mm k větracímu komínku o průměru DN 125m5
RUROFLEX 125 - 125/110/100 Elastická připojovací trubka je určena pro spojování nabízených větracích komínků s větracím nebo kanalizačním potrubím. Barvy: černá. Rozměry: DN 125mm - 125/110/100 mm, H 500mm.
RUROFLEX PLUS 125 - 125/110/100 mm Elastická připojovací trubka je určena pro spojování nabízených větracích komínků s větracím nebo kanalizačním potrubím.
Redukce umožňuje spojení trubek ventilačních systémů o vnitřním průměru Ø 150/160.Barva: černá
Redukce o rozměrech Ø 110/150 je určena pro střešní větráky za účelem připojení připojovací trubky U3306 Ø 110, aby mohla volně procházet konstrukcí a izolací střechy na půdu, kterou chceme větrat. Montáž trubky k redukci pomocí kovové objímky...
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