Chimney bench and snow protection system There are 76 products.
Pochůzný a Protisněhový Systém
Kategorie: Střechy a Příslušenství
Objevte náš špičkový sortiment pochůzných a protisněhových systémů navržených pro maximální bezpečí a efektivitu vašich střešních konstrukcí. Tato kategorie produktů je nezbytným prvkem pro všechny typy střešních ploch a nabízí řešení jak pro nové stavby, tak pro renovace.
Vlastnosti a Výhody:
Bezpečnost a Ochrana:
- Naše protisněhové systémy účinně zabraňují nekontrolovanému sesuvu sněhu a ledu, čímž chrání vaše vlastnictví a zajišťují bezpečí osob pohybujících se v okolí budovy.
- Pochůzné systémy poskytují spolehlivou podporu pro údržbu střechy, čímž minimalizují riziko pádů a úrazů pracovníků.
Vysoká Odolnost:
- Vyrobeno z prvotřídních materiálů, zajišťujících dlouhou životnost a odolnost vůči povětrnostním vlivům, korozi a mechanickému opotřebení.
- Speciální povrchové úpravy dodávají produktům další ochrannou vrstvu, prodlužující jejich životnost i v náročných podmínkách.
Design a Funkčnost:
- Elegantní a promyšlený design, který se snadno integruje do různých architektonických stylů, aniž by narušoval estetiku budovy.
- Modulární systémy umožňují flexibilní instalaci a přizpůsobení podle specifických potřeb každé střechy.
Snadná Instalace:
- Produkty jsou navrženy pro snadnou a rychlou instalaci, s minimálním narušením běžného provozu. Moderní montážní technologie zkracují dobu instalace a snižují náklady.
- Kompatibilita s různými typy střešních krytin zajišťuje univerzální použitelnost.
- Protisněhové zábrany: Efektivní řešení pro kontrolu sesuvu sněhu a ledu. Dostupné v různých velikostech a materiálech, aby vyhovovaly specifickým požadavkům vaší střechy.
- Pochůzné lávky a stupně: Nezbytné pro bezpečný přístup na střechu při údržbě a opravách. Konstruovány tak, aby poskytovaly maximální stabilitu a odolnost.
Investujte do bezpečí a kvality s našimi pochůznými a protisněhovými systémy. Naše produkty vám poskytnou klid a jistotu, že vaše střecha bude vždy plnit svou funkci na jedničku, bez ohledu na počasí. Prohlédněte si naši nabídku a zvolte produkty, které nejlépe vyhovují vašim potřebám.
Kompatibilta s výrobci a modely krytin
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN013 Tondach Polka, Jirčanka
SGN 013 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Polka, Jirčanka Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - for an...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN014 Roben Monza Plus
SGN 014 snow hook is suitable for Roben Monza Plus Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - extra charge -...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN015 Boegner Innovo 12
SGN 015 snow hook is suitable for Boegner Innovo 12 Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN016 Jungeimer Cosmo
The SGN 016 snow hook is suitable for the Jungeimer Cosmo Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with corrosion-resistant polyester paint and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra charge...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN017 Tondach Sulm
SGN 017 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Sulm Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra charge -...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN018 Nelskamp Nibra F7
The SGN 018 snow hook is suitable for the Nelskamp Nibra F7. Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN020 Creaton Premion
SGN 020 snow hook is suitable for Creaton Premion Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - extra charge -...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN021 Tondach Samba (Rumba)
SGN 021 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Samba (Rumba). Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN024 Roben Piedmont
SGN 024 snow hook is suitable for Roben Piedmont Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - extra charge -...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN025 Creaton Rapido
SGN 025 snow hook is suitable for Creaton Rapido Material: Galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm painted with polyester paint, which is resistant to corrosion and available in four different colors (non-standard color -...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN026 Tondach Makedo, Continental plus, Armour
SGN 026 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Makedo, Kontinental plus, Brnenka Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN027 Tondach Vineam
SGN 027 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Vineam Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - extra charge -...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN028 Creaton Balance
SGN 028 snow hook is suitable for Creaton Balance Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - extra charge -...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN029 Tondach Hranice 11, Jupiter
SGN 029 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Hranice 11, Jupiter. Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN030 Nelskamp Nibra G10
The SGN 030 snow hook is suitable for the Nelskamp Nibra G10. Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN031 Nexe Caesar
SGN 031 snow hook is suitable for Nexe Caesar Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra charge -...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN032 Nelskamp Nibra DS 5
SGN 032 snow hook is suitable for Nelskamp Nibra DS 5 Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN033 Tondach Figaro Delux
SGN 033 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Figaro Delux Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - extra charge...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN034 Nelskamp F12 SUD
The SGN 034 snow hook is suitable for the Nelskamp F12 SUD Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an...
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN035 Tondach Wiener Norma
SGN 035 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Wiener Norma Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with corrosion-resistant polyester paint and available in four different colors (non-standard color - extra charge - min....
Snowblower, snow shredder SGN036 Meyer Holsen Vario Junior Zwilling
SGN 036 snow hook is suitable for Meyer Holsen Vario, Junior Zwilling Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN037 Creaton Titania
SGN 037 snow hook is suitable for Creaton Titania Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN038 Monier (Braas) Maizieres
SGN 038 snow hook is suitable for Monier (Braas) Maizieres Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - extra...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN040 Creaton Terra Optima D
SGN 040 snow hook is suitable for Creaton Terra Optima D Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - extra...