Chimney bench and snow protection system There are 61 products.
Pochůzný a Protisněhový Systém
Kategorie: Střechy a Příslušenství
Objevte náš špičkový sortiment pochůzných a protisněhových systémů navržených pro maximální bezpečí a efektivitu vašich střešních konstrukcí. Tato kategorie produktů je nezbytným prvkem pro všechny typy střešních ploch a nabízí řešení jak pro nové stavby, tak pro renovace.
Vlastnosti a Výhody:
Bezpečnost a Ochrana:
- Naše protisněhové systémy účinně zabraňují nekontrolovanému sesuvu sněhu a ledu, čímž chrání vaše vlastnictví a zajišťují bezpečí osob pohybujících se v okolí budovy.
- Pochůzné systémy poskytují spolehlivou podporu pro údržbu střechy, čímž minimalizují riziko pádů a úrazů pracovníků.
Vysoká Odolnost:
- Vyrobeno z prvotřídních materiálů, zajišťujících dlouhou životnost a odolnost vůči povětrnostním vlivům, korozi a mechanickému opotřebení.
- Speciální povrchové úpravy dodávají produktům další ochrannou vrstvu, prodlužující jejich životnost i v náročných podmínkách.
Design a Funkčnost:
- Elegantní a promyšlený design, který se snadno integruje do různých architektonických stylů, aniž by narušoval estetiku budovy.
- Modulární systémy umožňují flexibilní instalaci a přizpůsobení podle specifických potřeb každé střechy.
Snadná Instalace:
- Produkty jsou navrženy pro snadnou a rychlou instalaci, s minimálním narušením běžného provozu. Moderní montážní technologie zkracují dobu instalace a snižují náklady.
- Kompatibilita s různými typy střešních krytin zajišťuje univerzální použitelnost.
- Protisněhové zábrany: Efektivní řešení pro kontrolu sesuvu sněhu a ledu. Dostupné v různých velikostech a materiálech, aby vyhovovaly specifickým požadavkům vaší střechy.
- Pochůzné lávky a stupně: Nezbytné pro bezpečný přístup na střechu při údržbě a opravách. Konstruovány tak, aby poskytovaly maximální stabilitu a odolnost.
Investujte do bezpečí a kvality s našimi pochůznými a protisněhovými systémy. Naše produkty vám poskytnou klid a jistotu, že vaše střecha bude vždy plnit svou funkci na jedničku, bez ohledu na počasí. Prohlédněte si naši nabídku a zvolte produkty, které nejlépe vyhovují vašim potřebám.
Kompatibilta s výrobci a modely krytin
Aluminum snow pipe 25 x 2000 mm
Aluminum anti-snow pipe 25 x 2000 mm A system made of steel and aluminum: Aluminum pipes are a key component in the installation of snow barriers on roofs. Together with brackets, connectors, caps and stops, they form a complete snow...
Double snow pipe holder type Falz
Tube catcher bracket for corrugated roof brackets - two-pipe The system is made of steel and aluminum: In recent years, snow tubes have become a very popular component of anti-flooding protection. Their main task is to prevent sudden...
Plastic pipe connector ø 25 mm
Plastic pipe connector ø 25 mm The system is made of steel and aluminum: The snow pipe connector is a structural element that allows the pipes to be connected together in a continuous whole, thus creating a solid and uniform structure....
Single anti-snow pipe holder type Falz
Tube holder for corrugated roof brackets - single tube The system is made of steel and aluminum: In recent years, snow tubes have become a very popular component of anti-snow protection. Their main task is to prevent sudden sliding of...
Plastic pipe cap ø 25 mm
Plastic pipe plug ø 25 mm The system is made of steel and aluminum: Plastic pipe end caps are structural elements designed to close the ends of pipes, providing a closed structure. They are made of weather- and UV-resistant polypropylene....
Universal snow fence holder 155 mm
Snow fence beam bracket 155 type U The universal snow fence strut is designed for installation on various types of roofing, including flat, shingle and trapezoidal sheet roofs. The bracket is made of steel sheet 40 mm wide and 4 mm thick,...
Single snow pipe holder - Falz type
Flat roof bracket with tube trap - single tube The system is made of steel and aluminum: The snow pipe bracket, known as the "universal bracket," is used for attaching pipes to flat roofs such as trapezoidal sheet, asphalt shingles and...
Snow fence connector
Snow barrier connector The snow barrier connector is a key component of the snow barrier system on roofs. This connector allows several grilles to be connected together to form a continuous protective line. These longer rows of grilles...
Double snow pipe holder - tile
Tube catcher bracket for fired/concrete tiles - single tube The system is made of steel and aluminum: The snow barrier bracket is used to fix pipes on concrete and ceramic tile roofs. The spacing of the brackets on the roof depends on the...
Snow fence holder TYPE D 155 mm
Type D snow fence strut for ladders with a height of 155 mm The "D" snow fence strut is a key component of snow fence installation on concrete or ceramic tongue-and-groove tile roofs. This product is designed to provide a solid and secure...
Snow fence holder 155 TYPE L
The strut is suitable for installation on various types of concrete tiles and fired tiles of greater thickness. Dimensions (L x W): 505 x 40 mm, thickness 4 mm Weight: 1.2 kg
Snow fence holder155 type BD 350/20
Snow barrier post 155 type BD 350/20 Snow barrier bracket for sloping tiled roofs with a module length of 350 mm and a clearance height of 20 mm for a 15 cm high snow barrier. The bracket is made of steel sheet 40 mm wide and 4 mm thick. It...
Snow fence holder 155 type FALZ
Snow barrier bracket type FALZ for ladders with a height of 155 mm The "Falz" snow barrier bracket is designed to allow the safe and stable installation of snow barriers on roofing made of flat sheets connected "standing seam". This product...
Snow fence holder 155 TYPE S beaver fence.
S-type snow fence strut for ladders with a height of 155 mm The strut is an element used for the installation of snow fence on tile roofing and is offered in two versions: smooth for tiles laid "in scales" and long for tiles laid "in...
Snow fence holder 200 TYPE S beaver fence.
The strut is suitable for direct installation on roofing. The profiled base determines the use of the product for installation on battens under concrete or plain tile roofing on felt roofing. To ensure safe installation, attention should be...
Snow fence holder 155 mm type DB/DC
Vertical snow fence strut type DB/DC for ladders with a height of 155 mm. The "DB/DC" snow fence strut is a key component for installing snow fence on concrete or ceramic tongue-and-groove tile roofs. This product is designed to ensure a...
Snow fence holder 200 type DB/DC
Vertical snow fence strut type DB/DC for ladders with a height of 200 mm. The "DB/DC" snow fence strut is a key component for installing snow fence on concrete or ceramic tongue-and-groove tile roofs. This product is designed to ensure a...
Snowblower, flat snowbreaker, universal SGN 101
SGN 101 snow hook is suitable for flat roofs Material: Galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm painted with polyester paint, which is resistant to corrosion and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN 002 Roben Fleming, Creaton Harmonia, Sirius, Nelskamp Nibra F10U
SGN 002 snow hook is suitable for Roben Fleming, Creaton Harmonia, Sirius, Nelskamp Nibra F10U. Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different...
Snow catcher, snow smasher SGN 003 for tile, universal
SGN 003 snow hook is suitable for concrete and ceramic roof tiles Material: Galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm painted with polyester paint, which is resistant to corrosion and available in four different colors...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN 004 Koramic Roman L25
SGN 004 snow hook is suitable for Koramic Romanska L25 Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN 005 Tondach Romanska
SGN 005 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Romanska Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN 007 Tondach Marseille 12
SGN 007 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Marsylka 12 Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra...
Snowblower, snow shatterer SGN 008 Tondach Marsyla 14
SGN 008 snow hook is suitable for Tondach Marseille 14 Material: Galvanized steel sheet 1.2 mm + 0.1 mm thick, painted with polyester paint, which is corrosion resistant and available in four different colors (non-standard color - at an extra...